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  • Why do I need my systems monitored?
    IT Security threats are constantly evolving. It is no longer viable to schedule monthly check-ins as new threats are constantly coming out. These threats are designed to go unnoticed by even experienced computer users. We use a perpetual monitoring system, whereby any vulnerabilities are identified and mitigated promptly. Our processes keep your system updated, secure and recoverable to minimise data and productivity losses.
  • Why computer servicing?
    We have found that with regular servicing you can actually reduce your IT maintenance costs and reduce staff productivity losses. These checks examine for any security updates that have been missed, malfunctioning security software, remove digital clutter that slows down processing power, identify storage usage issues, remove unnecessary software, check for faulting subsystems and identify how long before it might need to be replaced.
  • Do I still need my physical server?
    That depends on your circumstances. Firstly, do you have a decent, unlimited internet connection? If not, your answer is yes, you likely need your physical server because cloud options are not readily available to you. If you do have a high quality, unlimited internet connection, migration to a cloud server system can significantly reduce your costs. We will look at your specific business structures to develop a recommendation tailored to your situation.
  • Is the cloud secure?
    In many circumstances, cloud security is even higher than your local security. In fact, the cloud systems we recommend and use keep your data in Australia, and use encrypted pathways between their servers and you. We also provide advice regarding password practices that help to further secure your cloud system.
  • The computer connected to my engineering machinery is starting to fault. What can we do?
    With specialised machinery often having longer lifespans than computers, this is a real concern. Certain connection types are no longer available, and the software on the machinery is rarely updated, and struggles to run on up-to-date (and more secure) versions of Windows (if it can at all). Each situation will require an individualised plan. Sometimes it’s possible for us to work to build a new machine that integrates the aging technology with current security protocols. Sometimes we become your advocate that liaises with the company that provided the machinery to see a solution that suits all parties developed.
  • My WorkCover claims bill is extortionate. Is there an IT solution that can help minimise the risk of these events?
    Yes! Networked security cameras are a brilliant addition to any workplace for the purposes of safe work practice. Sometimes they act as a helpful reminder to staff to stick to safety protocols, and sometimes they become a great reference to see what actually happened in an event – helping you determine the legitimacy of claims and identify improvements that can be implemented to mitigate future risk. We have one client in particular who faced this particular issue – where WorkCover claims were being made, but could have been avoided if there were cameras installed to show that the issue was a particular staff member not following safety protocol. This client considered the installation of a networked set of cameras around his rural property and industrial sheds an investment well worth it when he considered what it would save through improved adherence to safety processes. Another client realised that staff were helping themselves to the fuel supply onsite for their personal vehicles, and had lower than expected productivity levels. Installing strategically placed cameras has meant increased productivity (afterall, the boss could be watching), and significantly lowered theft risk.
  • My business cannot afford for our systems to stop for any period of time – what are my options?
    Every business needs to have built in redundancies to their systems, though the extent of these will be determined by the impact to business when a system needs to be repaired. One particular client owns a feedlot that relies heavily on being constantly connected. Downtime for them is very expensive (and can be harmful to the animals). They are in an area that can only get mobile and satellite internet, so cloud server systems are not an option (though even they are subject to going down when internet connection goes down). They had previously had a server and backup server system, however when we realised the backup server was no longer sufficient to the task (partly due to aging, partly due to business growth), we developed a proposal that was then accepted, that sees 3 servers interconnected and sharing the load in a way that if one goes down, the other two are able to continue to carry the load while we remedy the issue with the 1. UPSs (Uninterrupted Power Supply) are in place so that even a power outage does not affect the system.
  • Do I really need business grade email and software systems?
    The simple answer is, if you’re in business, yes! Home and retail technologies are designed for simplified applications. Most ‘free’ technologies rely on advertising for their income, which exposes them and yourself to threats from unknown third-party servers that are providing these ads. All of these are, unfortunately, a very easy, common target.
  • I’ve just installed antivirus software and my system has slowed down significantly?
    When you implement a quality antivirus software for the first time there can be a couple of reasons your systems appear to slow down. Most commonly it is that the antivirus software is still completing its initial audit of your system and removing all threats that had gone unnoticed before. It can also be that the previous antivirus solution and your new one have begun fighting each other for control. Having a trusted IT support and service provider you can call to confirm what is actually happening, will set your mind at ease.
  • Is it safe to work from home?
    Absolutely! But of course, ensuring your business systems are optimised for remote work, and appropriate security measures are put in place, is absolutely vital.
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